Third Symposium: Being Human


Lessons from Nature, Science, and Bowen Theory on Looking at ways the human adapts to a changing world for better and for worse.

Early Registration (until November 1, 2016) is $250 After November 1, 2016:  $300 | At the Door: $300

*Limited Scholarships are available through the generosity of donors.  Please contact Victoria Harrison to discuss scholarships.


SKU: third-symposium Category:


Lessons from Nature, Science, and Bowen Theory on Looking at ways the human adapts to a changing world for better and for worse.

This third CSNSF Symposium will consider what can be learned from Bowen theory and human evolution about adaptation to changes and challenges in the environment, in society, in our families and lives.

Bowen theory provides a framework for considering both factors that contribute to problems and also options for adaptation in the best interests of each and all. This is called Differentiation of Self.

There will be ample time for discussion in the conference itself. Camp Allen provides numerous settings, indoors and out of doors, for continued conversation.

Online Registration: $300 | At the Door: $300


You will also reserve your conference lodging at Camp Allen through CSNSF

Conference participants may arrive on Thursday, February 16, in the evening for dinner and registration. The conference begins early Friday morning and ends on Saturday afternoon.  Check out will be at Noon on Saturday.  

Should you want to stay at Camp Allen on Saturday night or Sunday, please contact Camp Allen to make that reservation independently. is the website.

There are many hotels at the Airport if you must stay over Saturday night to make a flight.  for information.