Lorna Hecht-Zablow, MFT

Lorna Hecht-Zablow, MFT

Board Member & Faculty

Lorna Hecht-Zablow, the newest Board Member and Faculty at CSNSF, will post blogs that present her lively thoughts about how Bowen theory applies to parenting, family life, and living in this world. Check here often. Be surprised. Stir your own thinking.

Just Show Up

“Any successful effort that goes toward improving the frequency and quality of emotional contact
with the extended family, will predictably improve the family’s level of adjustment and reduce
symptoms in the nuclear family.” (Murray Bowen, Family Therapy in Clinical Practice, 537-538)

The Diagnosis Paradox

In my 20+ years as a practicing family therapist I’ve grown accustomed to clients telling me about their “narcissistic father,” “bipolar mother” or “Asperger’s brother.” It's a diagnosis paradox.

The Diagnosis Paradox

Stuck In the Middle With You

Shawna feels stuck between her mother and her younger sister. Mother complains about sister’s rude behavior, lack of motivation, and marijuana use. Sister vents about mother, calling her a “nag” and “controlling.” Shawna feels sorry for her mother and thinks her role is to provide support in an abusive situation. Even so, she tends to listen passively to her sister's grievances rather than risk setting her off.

Get Curious

School shootings. Pandemic. Inflation. Toxic politics. Environmental collapse. Democracy on the brink.
Fake news and conspiracy theories. Racism and homophobia. Resulting in family rifts. There are valuable tools missing from the pop culture self-help toolbox.